Thursday, October 14, 2010

August 2010

Back to school! Brandon is a 7th grader, Jarrett is in 4th grade, and Trey is in 2nd grade. Katie is doing "preschool" with Wendy 3 days a week - just some structured activities for fun.

Brandon is on the 7th grade football "A" team. This is his practice jersey. Practices are 5 days a week. Games start next month.

Jarrett and Trey's first day of school.

Katie with her stuffed animals.

We went to WaterWorld for Wendy's dad's annual company picnic - boy was that fun! The kids had been looking forward to it for a year (since we left last year's picnic).

We weren't able to go camping in the mountains, but we had a great campout in our very own backyard (benefits included no driving time, no packing, no coolers, indoor bathrooms, Wendy could go running, and easier cleanup). We all slept in the tent, cooked dinner and s'mores on the grill and ate breakfast and lunch outside.

1 comment:

  1. Camping in the backyard, that's fun! Your kids are adorable. Had a great time talking to Brandon last week! He is a good kid! Wendy, it was fun running with you! And thanks, Uncle Regan for taking pics and for the good laughs! Take care!
