We had a great Christmas Day. Some might think we are mean parents, our kids can't leave their rooms until 7am, are not allowed downstairs (where the tree and gifts are), we eat breakfast before opening gifts, and when it's time to open gifts, we take turns (yes, the kids would love to tear through their gifts as quickly as possible, but we want to see what they receive). This actually works each year and we have an enjoyable morning!
Santa brought a great surprise for us - a Wii. The boys (including Regan) couldn't wait to get it set up. They spent the rest of the day creating their Mii's and playing games. First day favorites: Regan - Tennis, Wendy and Trey - Charge (cow riding/racing), Brandon - Boxing, Jarrett - Baseball. When Madden Football and NBA Basketball make their debut, favorites are sure to change!